It is with regret that sometimes goods may be damaged in transit, please notify us by email within 24 hours of receiving the products (we might require pictures of the item as well as the packaging). We might ask that you return your unused goods to us and we will send out a replacement or refund. Please return any such item, with a copy of your dispatch note and covering letter to the returns address.
- We strongly advise that all items are sent via a method of recorded delivery and properly packed in order to ensure safe receipt. We cannot be held responsible for any undelivered items.
- Please note that you will be reimbursed for the cost of returning the item. This will be issued back to your original method of payment.
- If, by our error you have received the incorrect goods in your order, we will endeavor to replace the goods with the correct products at no extra cost, and will bear all costs for the return of the products. Please contact to arrange this, including details of your name, order number and delivery address.